Personal Info
We violence-free society, disease-free body, confusion-free mind, inhibition-free intellect, trauma-free a memory, and a is to sorrow – free soul is the birth-right of every individual. Parliaments all over the world are striving to achieve this goal of human existence happiness! the want happiness for our people and yoga is way for that much needed happines factor certtified yoga trainer in life. We think yoga is some sort of exercise. The purpose of wealth bring happiness and comfort.
Specially :
Conclusion, self practice and self study
Certification :
Ayoga yoga teachers’ training course canada university
Experience :
5 years, New york yoga strengthen your practice,Yoga center
Training Skills
Dr. Vandana Tyagi offers comprehensive training in Ayurvedic practices, specializing in PanchaKarma Detox Therapy. Her programs cover essential skills such as personalized treatment planning, holistic healing techniques, Ayurvedic diagnostics, herbal medicine, and the practical application of detox therapies. Dr. Vandana combines traditional Ayurvedic wisdom with modern healthcare approaches, empowering individuals and healthcare professionals to enhance their knowledge and skills in holistic wellness and therapeutic practices.
Flex Body
inner wisdom